
No.37, 3rd Street Extension, Gandhipuram,Coimbatore -641 012

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Hire Professional Security Guards
Balaji Security services launched at Coimbatore in 1989. At BSS, we use our global experience of working with governments to secure government buildings and key assets around the world, support the justice and security strategies of nations and ensure that government personnel are well prepared to operate in some of the world's conflicted areas.
Well experienced and qualified field officers are employed to interact with the management & fulfill the needs of the management viz to check guards and to visit during night for checking guards, and to arrange for the replacement of guards..
Training is twice as important as technology in boosting up productivity efficiency and twice as important as formal education. Training will be provided by training officers (ex-military officers) to all the securities/guards and they train the guards to be vigilant, disciplined and active in their duties.

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